We are the champions…


It is an annual tradition for Mirmurillum, to visit the cat show in Rheinstetten, organized by our cat club, DEKZV each autumn. This time, I only brought the youngsters of the family, Theodor and Lilou.

Lilou became champion and won Best in Show

Although Lilou hates the crowd and noise that comes with a cat show, she was well appreciated by the judges.

On Saturday, she was nominated and then won Best In Show! 🥇

She also got 3 CAC points and so, she can now proudly wear the Champion title. 🏆

Theodor became a champion, too

Theodor wasn’t enthusiastic about being touched by strangers but he was nevertheless considered for best in show by the judges. He didn’t get the nomination at the end but he received his 3 CAC points and now, he is also entitled to wear the Champion title. 🏆

Looking forward to having kittens in 2025

Now, respecting their disliking for the cat shows, all my cats can retire from the show business and prepare to become parents. 🍼

Missie already earned her International Champion title last year, and with that, we are looking forward to the following kittens early 2025, from champion parents:

Theodor & Missie

Mögliche Farben der Kitten:
Weibchen: Blue tortie or Seal tortie
Männchen: Blue point or Seal point

Beide Katzen haben Vorfahren mit Chocolate-Gen, daher besteht eine geringe Chance auf Chocolate- oder Lilac-Tortie oder Point Farben.

Theodor & Lil

Mögliche Farben der Kitten:
Weibchen: Red point oder Cream point oder Blue tortie oder Seal tortie
Männchen: Blue point oder Seal point oder Red point oder Cream point 

Beide Katzen haben Vorfahren mit Chocolate-Gen, daher besteht eine geringe Chance auf Chocolate- oder Lilac-Tortie oder Point Farben.