The Red Chillies
DATE OF BIRTH: 20.04.2024
Ready to leave by: 27.07.2024
Number of kittens: 4

Everything is out of the ordinary around the Red Chillies. After the difficult start, everything was fine and happy until the kittens turned 3 weeks old. Then, Mia decided to transfer her kittens to a new nest. This is a normal cat behavior. But not Mia’s choice on location. They had a nice, large area next to my bed. A large enclosure with a large tent and within that, a cozy house. Space for food, toilet and playground. But Mia decided that the other side of my bed was better. No space for anything there. I disagreed and transferred them back. She moved them again. OK, she doesn’t like the old nest. I changed everything, new house, cleaned everything and moved them back. It was OK for 2 days, then Mia moved them again. We played this game a few times, then I gave in and turned the chosen area safe for the kittens. Mia obviously had a different idea about safety because now she started to transfer them to the bathroom. Under the toilet porcelain. Great choice 😀
So, the Red Chillies were about 4 weeks old when they moved to the living room, to a huge enclosure around my sofa. The story wasn’t over though. Mia kept moving them out of the enclosure and let them roam the whole living room. Nice but the kittens weren’t able to use the toilet just yet… After a nightmarish week of hunting kitten pee and poop on the corners, we finally found a compromise: the kittens are allowed to roam the whole flat during the day when I am there and Mia accepted the enclosure for the night. Great win for me! Mia is a very stubborn opponent.
Normally, I’d keep such young kittens from meeting too much bacteria but Mia was hysterically tearing apart the fence when I closed them. She wanted the kittens to socialize and lick the street shoes in the entry hall.

CH Lavida Mia von Giesenwald
Red Tabby Point
Blood group: A
FIV/FELv negative & HCM & PKD negative

Blue Wine's April Fools Theodor
Red Point
Blood group: A
FIV/FELv negative & HCM & PKD negative

Red point girl
Under observation
Cayenne is a robust girl with nice gloves. The show marks are hard to see yet but she looks promising. She might stay in the cattery. She is a little adventurer, she loves hanging out with the older cousins.

Red point boy
Chipotle is our charmeur. He often climbs on my lap and rubs his nose into my face. He is a champion in purring. A very social, curious little bachelor who doesn't mind being held.

Red point boy
Cascabel is a laid back lad. He loves chilling and eating. His purring engine starts immediately when I touch him. He also likes running around with the gang but he is more relaxed.

Red point girl
Chilaca is the smallest of the kittens. She was hand fed in the first few weeks to make sure she ate enough, and so she is used to be held and handled. She sits calmly in anyone's hand. She is a little discoverer, she is always in the middle of the crowd.