The kittens went home – Litter C

The Red Chillies got ready to go

By the end of July, litter C, the Red Chillies, turned 14 weeks old. Cascabel, Chipotle and Chilaca were ready to leave to their forever homes. Cayenne stayed in the cattery to replace her mum with the red point line.

They were growing very well and they became affectionate, cuddly young cats with a spicy “orange-cat” character. 🙈😍

As expected from their name and their previous adventures, the story of the Chillies got (again) spiced up a bit… 

Mirmurillum's Cascabel and Chipotle

A very lovely couple from the Northern side of the Bodensee planned to adopt one kitten from me and came to meet Chipotle during summer. Chipotle wasn’t very much into the guest reception on that day but Cascabel warmly welcomed them and sat on their laps. Sabrina and Manuel got hooked and they decided to take both boys. 🐈🐈

Cascabel and Chipotle live now in a loving family together with another Birman cat and a Russian Blue cat. After a very thorough and smart introductory process (🙏), they got accepted by the Birman lady and they seem inseparable now. They get to enjoy a cat safe garden and a balcony. They are still very cuddly and friendly and as I hear, they enchant every visitor with their purring 🥰💖

They are called Samu and Matti now. I am grateful to Sabrina and Manuel for providing such a caring, loving and fun home for them. 🙏💕

Mirmurillum's Chilaca

Chilaca was the first kitten of the C litter to move out and she had the longest story to find a home. 

First, she moved in with a lovely young lady and with her 3 years old female cat at the end of July. Everything seemed going well for 3 weeks, Chilaca and the new owner got really close to each other but the relationship between the 2 cats didn’t go that well. To cut a long and sad story short: Chilaca returned to the cattery after 4 weeks.

Unfortunately for the poor little one, after 4 weeks of being rejected by the feline roommate, she returned to her previous family, where she wasn’t recognized by anyone. Not even by her mum, Mia.

I was hoping for an easier acceptance but had to start with the standard separation and introduction process. I felt really sorry I had to close her into a room alone. Luckily and surprisingly, Theodor came to her rescue and volunteered to sleep in the same room with her. I curiously let him into the room and to my great surprise, they didn’t hiss at each other. From the first night, Theodor allowed her to sleep next to him. 🙏🙏🙏

I sped up the introduction and luckily, her sister, Cayenne recognized the benefits of having a same-age playmate, and just after a few days, there were good friends. Chilaca seemingly suffered from the lack of feline contact and tried everything to get in touch with the other cats as well, but of course as it must be among cats, she just got hissed and growled on. It was really heartbreaking to see a previously very affectionate kitten to deal with so much rejection. However, after 2 weeks, also Mamma Mia accepted her again and gave her a thorough grooming 💖🙏💕

Seeing how much Chilaca changed due to the lack of feline contact and how she changed back after being accepted and groomed by other cats, I couldn’t give her away again alone. To force the poor little soul to go through the moving and meeting a new cat again after doing it already twice?? How unfair! 🥺

My heart was telling me that Cayenne was needed more by Chilaca than by me, and the more I considered the idea, the more it seemed right: the Chillie girls must stay together.

Mirmurillum's Cayenne and Chilaca

After such complications, I was really anxious about Chilaca’s future. I wanted to ensure, she ends up in her forever home this time and she’d have a happy life with Cayenne.

A super cool retired lady from Switzerland was willing to adopt Chilaca to provide company to her older cat, but when I told her, Chilaca comes in a 2 in 1 package, she didn’t hesitate too long and agreed to take both kittens.

The Chillie girls live now with Maya and her husband, and have everything they can dream of. After a careful and thorough introduction process, the kittens got accepted by the other cat lady and 3 dogs. They have a cat garden and they even get to see horses and poultry from their window. Cayenne and Chilaca are spoiled 😍

I am grateful to Maya for taking such good care of them and providing the loving home I was hoping for 🙏💕