Theodor's first cat show
I wanted Theodor to get familiar with cat shows, so we went to a show in Switzerland on the 12th of August. Just the two of us.
It was a hot day but Theodor behaved like an angel. He very patiently accepted being locked in a cage and being tousled by the judges. We were lucky to have a thorough evaluation by the judge and a 2nd opinion of the student judge. They both liked his soft expression.
He got his very first Excellent 1 qualification and he was also nominated best in show by Mrs. Lena Venclikova.

There was a Birman Special day and breed presentation during the Cat Show. Theodor was requested to represent the Red Points.
At the Best in Show panel he was competing against 2 ragdolls. Theodor got 2 of 4 votes. But it wasn’t enough to win because one of the ragdolls also got 2 votes. So the judges rolled a dice to decide. And the ragdoll win.
But we were very close… and for a first show an Ex1 and a BIS NOM is awesome!

He doesn’t seem impressed of his well deserved ribbon and not convinced it was worth a whole day imprisonment in a hot cage 🙈