On the 11.11.2023 we visited the TierischGut Fair of Karlsruhe in Rheinstetten, where a cat show organized by FIFe also took place. We had a great day, and we spent a lovely time with breeder friends.
All 4 cats got great results. 

Missie got her Excellent1 qualification in the Champion class (CAC).
Mia got her Ex1 in the open class (CAC).
Missie and Mia competed against each other for Best in Show nomination together with another 3 females and a beautiful cat from the other 3 took the BIS NOM.
Lilou got her Ex1 in the kitten category, and she was also selected by the judge to be a possible BIS NOM. She was competing against her fluffy and cute half brother for Best in Show nomination. I found her brother really pretty but luckily the judge liked Lilou more. So Lilou won, she got the BIS NOM.

Later in the Best in Show panel where all the judges compare all the Best in Show nominated cats in each category, a Ragdoll kitten beat Lilou.
Best in Variety
Theodor got his Ex1 certificate in Junior class. The judge, Laura Scholten really liked him, so he was nominated for Best in Show and Best in Variety.

He didn’t win the Best in Show panel later, but he had success in the Variety.
There were enough red Birmans this time to select best in variety. Never happened on any show shere I went until now 🙂
All red Birmans were compared in their class and Thedor won BIV (Rassesieger) in his. 

There was a detailed presentation of the breeds on the stage, where Theodor had to stay for several minutes in my hand in the presentation position. He behaved like a pro: totally relaxed and cool. No hissing this time, just coolness 

It was a great show and I am proud of all my cats: they took the trip, the overnight in the hotel and the full day in the cage fantastic!