On the 28th of October we went to a Cat show in France.
We always go to FIFE shows. Now we tried a show organized by WCF. The rules are different and in addition it was so chaotic and no words in English, that I only realized after the show that Theodor actually won Best in Show 

Meeting the judges
To fraise in a diplomatic way, Lilou wasn’t particularly impressed by the judging procedure. She was terrified and wished she was never born. I thought she was born to be a show cat, but we still need to work on that. She’s got a very good evaluation though.
Theodor felt a bit annoyed by being touched by strangers but he is generally like that: common people are not allowed to touch the king without permission. He also got a very good evaluation.

BIS NOM or not? Or BIS? - Confusion
At the time of the evaluation, the judge didn’t mention Theodor was nominated for Best in Show. Later, we were called to the stage – surprisingly. Oh, wow, he did get a nomination?! Great!
There was a ceremony on the stage that resembled the Best in Show panel on FIFe shows. He was chosen by the committee of judges against the competitor male cat – despite the tiny nuance that he hissed and growled to the judges 

(I understand him. He spent a day in a cage among extreme annoying noises and crowd. And he probably felt my confusion and he didn’t feel safe. And this is only his 2nd show.)

So he was chosen for Best in Show. Applause to Theodor by the audience. Yeah! He won Best in Show – so I thought.
But then I was told to wait on the side.
All in French. I speak a few languages, French is not one of them. I had no clue why to wait.
They were looking at another cats now. Then they called us back and compared Theodor to a female cat. She won. We got a ribbon and we were sent off the stage.
OK, so we didn’t win – I summarized with disappointment. 
Theodor win Best in Show
Then at home I look at the evaluation document and it says: Best in Show Opposite Sex.
So he did win in his category

But for some reason WCF compares the male and female winners with each other. 

Maybe we were even awarded a gift like on FIFe shows and I haven’t collected it?! Oh, whatever! 😀
Theodor Best in Show